- Magnapower Equipment Ltd - https://www.magnapower.com -

Stainless Steel Separation

We have provided High Intensity Magnetic Stainless Steel Separators for over twenty years.

Stainless steel separator between overband and eddy current separator

Magnet Systems

The Magnapower stainless steel separator uses very high intensity Neodymium (rare earth) permanent magnets. This is necessary to achieve the magnetic forces required.

A Complex Problem

High Intensity Magnetic Stainless Steel Separation does not suit every application. We have a wide range of experience in testing different materials and can share this with you to determine whether this will be suitable for your material.
Please send us details of your material so we can make our recommendations to you.

Our commitment is to provide separators which are the leading performers in the industry.

Magnetic Pulley or Drum type

We offer either a belted type or drum type of stainless steel separator and each have their own advantages. We will discuss with you which is best for your application and can test your material to show the efficiency you will achieve.

Stainless steel sorting drum with feeder and hand picking platform
Stainless Steel Separator Drum Type
Stainless steel separator sorting upvc window frames
Stainless Steel Separator Belt Type